Monday 12 January 2015

Ferry to the South Island

December 22, 2014

We woke up early today so that we could get to the ferry and check in by 7:30 a.m.  It was good we left early because when we got to the place where we were to drop of the rental car the slots were full, and there were only a few spots left in the parking lot nearby.  We checked in for the ferry and dropped off our luggage (it was just like checking in for a flight at the airport) and then we were able to board right away, so that was really nice. 

We had vouchers for a full cooked breakfast, so we found a really nice table at the front of the ferry and it had a fabulous view.

I am turned sideways from our table... so we had a view the entire way...

So, we said goodbye to the north island and headed to the south island.  The crossing was really smooth.  When we got out to the open water, I watched a movie with Danika.  We watched Maze Runner and it was the perfect amount of time because it made the time fly by.  It is a 4 1/2 hour crossing, but by the time the movie was over, the surrounding scenery was spectacular as the last hour of the crossing is inside an estuary not out in the open sea.  I really enjoyed our journey in as it was just beautiful.

As we disembarked, David went straight to the rental car agency while the kids and I went to baggage claim to get the luggage.  It worked out perfectly because David was nearly finished when we arrived with the luggage. The drive from Picton to Nelson was 2 hours on a really winding road.  The scenery was gorgeous.

Once in Nelson, we stopped to walk around and check things out.  It was okay, but not what we expected.  We thought it was a cute little artist village, but it was just another commercial shopping center.  This is Christ Church Cathedral at the top of the main street.

Just walking down the street...

Nothing really to write home about, so we headed to our little place in Richmond.  We have a three bedroom place here with kitchen and even a little back garden that has raspberries!  You can see it is pretty spacious, which we hadn't expected!

I loved the back garden and spent some time hanging out in the sun here.

I also picked a LOT of raspberries and ate them...

David and I headed to the shops to get groceries while the kids did their schoolwork.    

We went to use the oven to make dinner, and it didn't work, boo hoo...  had to use another unit's oven while the electrician fixed ours.  Finally sat down to eat, then we went to the pool to let the kids swim.  

Came back and organized backpacks for tomorrow including raincoats, hats, and sunscreen as we could get a little of everything during our hike.  Made sandwiches and filled water bottles, so we are set to go.  Kids are in bed and I am on my way...

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