Monday 4 June 2012

Saying Goodbye to Grandma Firth...

May 31, 2012

Today is the day of the funeral for Grandma Firth.  We woke up early and got ready and all seven of us left the house by 9:00 a.m.  It rained the entire half hour drive to Granddad Firth’s place.  Jason said the clouds were crying for Grandma…  When we reached Granddad Firth’s place, we met up with the rest of the family and waited for the hearse to arrive.  It seemed a very somber morning.

When the hearse arrived, we went outside where tears began to fall along with the rain…

Everyone got in their respective cars and waited for the hearse to proceed.  It was interesting because when we first started out, one of the attendants, dressed in tophat and tails, walked in front of the hearse for a short distance before we set off.    When he was a ways down the road, he hopped in the hearse and we proceeded to the crematorium where the services were held.  When we neared the crematorium, the attendant got out of the hearse and walked in front of it the rest of the way.  It was very somber but elegant (actually, it is hard to find just the right words here).

The services were lovely.  David read a poem stoically and Hilary read a beautiful eulogy.  Jason had a really hard time and cried throughout.  He told me he really liked Daddy reading the poem because it calmed him down a bit.  At the end of the services we all went up to the casket to say our last goodbyes.  That is when Danika really broke down.  I think it was a necessary release for all of us.  When we got outside and were waiting to leave, they brought the flowers out and Jason took pictures.  Danika especially liked the diamond pins in the middle of the roses.

After the service we drove to Weetwood Hall where we had a lovely gathering of friends and relatives.  It was classy, just as Joyce would have liked it.  There was coffee, tea, and orange juice, along with a selection of finger sandwiches, carrot cake, chocolate torte, granola wedges, and lovely scones with jam and cream.   It was so nice to catch up with people we hadn’t seen in many years.  Danika and Jason enjoyed it as well…

This is Uncle Duncan (Hilary’s husband) and his mother, Betty… she was just lovely… 

David and his brother Andrew with Gordon and Rosemary, who have known Peter since before David was born.  I had heard so much about them over the years and it was so nice to finally meet them.   I really enjoyed their company.

David with his cousin, Piers.  David hasn't seen Piers in 23 years, at his brother Andrew's wedding.  We are trying to get  Piers to bring his family over to Montana…

After the gathering at Weetwood Hall, the family went over to the bar area and spent another few hours together.

Jason and Danika with Granddad Firth…

  Then Jason took pictures there.  This is Auntie Beryl, cousin Piers, and me in deep conversation…

Granddad Firth with Haley, James, Jim, Vivienne, and Elizabeth…

And last, but certainly not least, David’s dad, Peter…  He help up exceptionally well throughout.

It was a very long day and the kids held up extremely well.  We drove back to Andrew and Julie’s house and got packed and ready to go.  David and I got to bed around 10:30 and woke up at 2:00 a.m. to drive to Stansted airport and our flight back to Perugia.
So very tired…

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