Wednesday 1 February 2012

In My Defense

February 1, 2012

Welcome to February J.  We woke up this morning to a beautiful blanket of white snow outside.  The first picture is the same angle as the night picture from our living room window.  The second picture is straight out and you can just see “Opera Lady’s” window at the very top of the picture. 

Now I feel the need to post, in my defense, as David has accused me of having the second love of my life. 

First of all, let me explain that one of the reasons we chose Perugia, Italy, is that it would be a bit warmer than Missoula, Montana this time of year.  Well, I have to admit, looking at the exact temperatures, it is what we would consider “balmy” weather as it is usually in the forties.  However,  I have been FREEZING here! 

Let me introduce you to the rules of heating here.  See picture below.    In case you can’t read from the picture, the use of heating is allowed at maximum from 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.  You must never exceed the temperature of 66 degrees F.   You must turn your heat off if you leave for the day.

So that means no heat at night and the highest you can have the heat set when you’re home in the day is 66.  Seriously, I keep my house in Missoula at 70...  I might add that it takes a good hour or two after you turn the heater on to get the apartment to a “normal” temperature.

So, I hope you can understand why the tall towel rack that is heated in the bathroom has become my new best friend during the day.  And yes, I DO wish that I could sleep with it at night.  It has quickly become my favorite place in the apartment.


1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...I am guessing that you are waaayyy too cool to own a Snuggie. But, perhaps now you are too cold not to buy one?
