Monday 6 February 2012

Some of the Many Steps of Perugia, Italy

February 6, 2012

I just wanted to post a typical day of walking the steps all around Perugia.  These are just some of the steps that we walk in one day.  This also excludes the ones in and out of our apartment (see earlier post by David)

Every step we go up, we come back down, and every step we go down, we have to come back up.  I have to say, I think most of them are pretty beautiful, so it is lovely walking through all of the interesting archways and under bridges and such.

The picture below shows the first set of steps from our apartment up to the old center of Perugia.  This is the "road" our GPS tried to send us down on our first day here as we were trying to find our apartment.

In most of these pictures it is really hard to tell how icy the steps are.  So lucky I haven’t gone sliding down an entire staircase on my bum as some of them are a really long way down.

The next two pictures are one set of the MANY stairs we take down to the train station and shops that are a bit larger than a tiny corner store.   The ones up in the old center of town are super tiny... but less steps to get to :)

 Had to end with the little secret escalator we found.  Sure helps to get us out of doing at least a few stairs when it is cold and icy out.

We sure miss our friends and family so much.  Send us a note when you can :)



  1. Love the photo journal, and all your tales from Italy so far! Sounds like a fantastic experience, especially for Jason and Danika.

    And the food photos are envy-inducing... I'll just console myself with Silk Road's new winter menu. :)

    1. Ha ha ha.. David said he recently received the winter menu. So jealous. Funny, The Silk Road used to be called Perugia :) When you go to The Silk Road, you have to tell us all about your favorites.

  2. What a fantastic experience! Look forward to seeing more photographs and hearing more about Perugian life...

  3. Hi Firth Family!! Wish I were there to enjoy the magnificent architecture, people and adventures with you....I even wish I were there to do the stairs with you! :-) I could use them! Sounds like all is wonderful with the family....though I do hope it warms up a little for you. All is great here...Lauren found out she got into Grad school, so she's excited and the rest of us are great too...we just miss you all! Give big hugs to the kids and David! Oh, and thank you for the fabulous post card!! Love you!
